I been a web designer and now front end dev. I recently gained some handfull experience with javascript using vue. It has been 1.5 months my last contract ended. Though I been to few interviews it is rejection, sometimes it is that I do not know Testing, sometimes it is we r looking for a senior. As the market in dense with React. I am learning React to up my CV but still, companies want pro and I am not. I do have a lot of layout experience e.g. in CSS but only that isn’t good.
Keep working at skills you are interested in. 1.5 months out of work…is somewhat normal in the IT world…even 6 months is okay- as long as you can account for “What did you do during that time?” . It gets harder when the gaps turns into…1…2…3…years um…even more than that. Speaking from experience there…
Don’t give up- interesting that considering you were a web designer- I am not sure what kind of skills you had as a web designer or job duties but if you already have experience with that- I’m sure you can build upon that.