Joined in April, got a job as a junior front-end developer!

Thanks for sharing!!! That’s the moment where most of us are looking for :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Congratulations for finding yourself in a tech Job so soon. This will inspire many of us!

About algorithms section, I got your point that maybe it’s not crucial for getting the first job, but I’d like to share another point of view about how the algorithms section contributed to my learning process.

I can say that this algorithm section was a game changer on my programming student life.

When I faced some intermediate algorithms I just felt like you… a bit frustrated for couldn’t know where to start … and even after completing, my solutions wasn’t good and I felt bad when checked the FCC solutions / other people solutions… but you know what? I kept going on because this frustration kept me feeling that I needed to face and overcome that stage.

And then I started the to adopt the same process for all challenges:

  • Read 2 or 3 times the challenge slowly
  • Open all the suggested documentation and read what the feature do, how, and why
  • Open the “Hints” item and read the hints
  • Start trying to solve
  • When I get to a solution, then I try to refactor it, checking where it could be better.

This process made me:

  • Come with better solutions time by time
  • Feel confident that I could do it
  • (best of all) Be independent! Nobody was holding my hands anymore! No tutorials, no videos, no pre made answers…

I changed my way of learning… for the first time I was not scared to face some things alone, I didn’t need a tutorial anymore,… I’ve felt confortable to know that you’re totally able to research (docs, stack overflow) / learn / try , and tackle the solution.

Sooner or Later I guess this is a important characteristic that everyone needs to have. The independency, and the confortable feeeling that you’re totally able to research and learn and tackle things that looks preety hard.

That’s why I recommend everyone to do the algorithms section. Even if you come with the worst solutions possible… In the future you’ll be better, you’ll feel more confortable with it… but Try it… put yourself on an unconfortable position now, I guarantee it will payoff!!
