def add_time(start, duration ,day=0):
weekdays = ['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday']
day_count = 0
day_went = 0
if day != 0:
day_count = weekdays.index(str(day).lower())
meridiem = start[len(start) - 2:len(start)]
new_minutes = int(start[len(start) - 5:len(start) - 3]) + int(duration[len(duration) - 2:])
new_hours = int(start[:len(start) - 6]) + int(duration[:len(duration) - 3])
while new_minutes >= 60:
new_minutes -= 60
new_hours += 1
while new_hours >= 12:
new_hours = new_hours - 12
if meridiem == "PM":
meridiem = "AM"
day_count += 1
day_went += 1
meridiem = "PM"
if new_hours == 0:
new_hours = 12
while day_count > 6:
day_count -= 7
if len(str(new_minutes)) == 1:
new_minutes = "0" + str(new_minutes)
if day_went == 0 and day == 0:
new_time = f'{new_hours}:{new_minutes} {meridiem}'
elif day_went == 0 and day != 0:
new_time = f'{new_hours}:{new_minutes} {meridiem}, {weekdays[day_count].capitalize()}'
elif day_went == 1 and day == 0:
new_time = f'{new_hours}:{new_minutes} {meridiem} (next day)'
elif day_went == 1 and day != 0:
new_time = f'{new_hours}:{new_minutes} {meridiem}, {weekdays[day_count].capitalize()} (next day)'
elif day_went > 1 and day == 0:
new_time = f'{new_hours}:{new_minutes} {meridiem} ({day_went} days later)'
elif day_went > 1 and day != 0 :
new_time = f'{new_hours}:{new_minutes} {meridiem}, {weekdays[day_count].capitalize()} ({day_went} days later)'
return new_time
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