Learn Algorithm Design by Building a Shortest Path Algorithm - Step 28

Tell us what’s happening:

I have read the free code camp adding to dict in python, and followed that syntax. I have read the other forum posts too which seem to suggest the syntax is distances[node] = 0. Where am I going wrong here?

Your code so far

my_graph = {
    'A': [('B', 3), ('D', 1)],
    'B': [('A', 3), ('C', 4)],
    'C': [('B', 4), ('D', 7)],
    'D': [('A', 1), ('C', 7)]

# User Editable Region

def shortest_path(graph, start):
    unvisited = []
    distances = {}
    for unvisited in graph:
        if node == start:
            distances[node] = 0

# User Editable Region

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Learn Algorithm Design by Building a Shortest Path Algorithm - Step 28

Hi @alexandra.mcdougall

Here is a comparison of the original code and your code.

The code in blue is the original code, the code in red is your code.
The code in magenta is the overlap.

It looks like you modified the iterator.
Please reset the step to restore the original code and try again.

Happy coding

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thank you so much! that was what was wrong :slight_smile: much appreciated

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