Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Build a Boiler plate (plz help)

Every 1 or 2 steps I get stuck in ‘test should pass’
I tried the following:
-review and run
-configuration reset tutorial
-soft reset
-deleting the whole book in code ally

  • deleting all data from the browser

Still it does not work and I got frustated, after several hours and two days of trying, cant pass the ls -l step
Is as further as I got, since some times I get stuck with no abail in ‘open the console’ step.
any of the steps between could get stuck with no abail.
what can I do ? I really want to do the course but I can’t keep like this.

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Challenge: Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Build a Boilerplate

Link to the challenge:

please post a screenshot showing the error you get and the command you typed beforehand in the same screenshot

can you try to close this terminal and then open a new terminal and try again?

done, it doesn’t work

Please close the terminal pane then click the reset button in the middle of the screen. Then try to open a new terminal once more. And retry the cd freeCodeCamp command

OK, it worked, But its the same problem the next step.
Either I do repeat “close the terminal pane then click the reset button in the middle of the screen. Then try to open a new terminal once more.” for every step , not counting all the way to getting the console back to that stage or its not a feaseble solution
you might now isolate the issue by knowing this solution work in a per step bases ?

I’m sorry I have no idea why this is happening to you. My experience is that this happens rarely in a session.
@moT01 fyi

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