Tell us what’s happening:
Describe your issue in detail here.
Hi ever one how are you I’m fine and today I started to learninng Relational Database (Beta)
There is insrution to follow to do task on command line , but my disktope shotdown and the intruction menu disappered
it looks this
how can I get the instrucion menu?
I comleted up to 38%
Your code so far
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Challenge: Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Build a Boilerplate
Link to the challenge:
Thank you dear I get my place
Also I have qousion how can I start my previous my progression.
August 3, 2022, 1:23pm
Your progress (container) is saved on your CodeAlly account. So, if you open the same container, then you should see all your previously saved code.
1 Like
What is wrong with my work, please
If this doesn’t work try to reset the tutorial by clicking the reset
button and exiting the bash terminal by using the command exit
. Re-open the terminal and CodeRoad, and repeat these steps: Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Build a Boilerplate - #2 by zaira_h
Hello need
what happy here see may error
Make sure you are following all the hints.
hi what is wrong today, not opening
1 Like
Apologies for the issue you are facing. We have raised the issue with CodeAlly and will update once it’s resolved.
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August 8, 2022, 1:34pm
The loading issue should be resolved @asresgamu . Thanks for reporting.
How can I fix this type of problem?
August 8, 2022, 1:38pm
Check the hints @asresgamu , there’s probably something helpful in there.
Ok my dear I try it and if impossible I ask you
Thanks more
Hello Good morning
Some issues have paced
look like this
, how can I solve it, please
Try to quit the psql
terminal by typing \q
Reconnect it and then see if that works.
August 11, 2022, 2:10am
The “connection to server lost” message happens when you reset a step. The script needs to kick you off so it can rebuild the database to reset. There is no issue there, it reconnected itself - you should be able to continue.
Hello, how are you? I’m and some problem happen my work, how can I solve this
I need your help.