Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Build a Boilerplate

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When I am trying to start my course for the building a boilerplate, I am being redirected to the Codeally page but even after giving the 3rd party verification of Github I am unable to proceed and getting the following error.

I am sharing the error message screenshot with you.

Kindly, help me solve my issue.

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Challenge: Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Build a Boilerplate

Link to the challenge:

If you cannot do a soft reset to fix this, contact contact@codeally.io to see if they have an idea why it is not working.

I never got that error but I got a lot of hang ups.

Close that window, open a new one, try to open code ally and if/when it hangs, reload that page.

That sequence worked for me often.