Learn Bash Scripting by Building Five Programs - Correct Code Won't Pass

This is the 3rd time I’ve gotten to this point in the Learn Bash Scripting by Building Five Programs course and encounter the same issue of not being able to pass with what appears to be the correst commands. It’s about 90% of the way through.

The lesson step instructions are the following:

“Add commands to run the rest of your scripts in the file. They should be in this order: questionnaire , countdown , bingo , and fortune . Don’t forget that your countdown.sh file needs an argument, so put a 3 next to it.”

I am entering the correct code in my script (on the right in the image) and CodeRoad will not let me pass. It’s the exact same code as this person is entering in a youtube video by the same name at 1:16:46 (fCC won’t let me link, but I’m bringing it up as it made this even more unusual. I am stumped as to why it won’t work for me.

Here is my code and what the rejection looks like for me:


# Program to run my other four programs

./countdown.sh 3

I am running this course in VS Code Desktop in the workspace launched by the course.
It appears that this person encountered the same problem recently, but never added any code details to their post.

Any help would be much appreciated!

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Update on this - I went through the whole thing a 4TH(!) time, but this time running it in the browser from GitPod. I was able to get past this part without issue.

It seems like this is a bug that prevents users from completing the course if they are running it in VS Code Desktop.

This topic can be closed, but someone at fCC should be notified of the issue and users should be warned before they start the course.

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Same exact thing, thanks so much! I was feeling very discouraged.