No, that should go into the goStore() function as well.
The goStore() function needs to change the value of all the buttons to reflect something of a store, when you click on the store button. The cave, and fight dragon come later.
There is really only one more line of code that you need to add to that function. Please let me know if you’re still stuck.
Hi Thanks for the help im still getting the error is this correct
function goStore() {
button1.innerText = “Buy 10 health (10 gold)”;
button2.innerText = “Buy weapon (30 gold”;
button3.innText = “Go to town square”;
but i get this error
You should update the innerText property of button2 to be Buy weapon (30 gold).
ah im sorry to hassle you yea i potted int innerText error but still get the same error
function goStore() {
button1.innerText = “Buy 10 health (10 gold)”;
button2.innerText = “Buy weapon (30 gold”;
button3.innerText = “Go to town square”;
Thats done it cheers for your help ive been trying to figure it out for 2 days im finding javascript tough thanks again for your patience and hlep Steve
ah… I get it now. we clicked Go to store… now the buttons change, because we’re now IN the store. that was not making sense about why they were changing or what they were doing.