Learn Basic JavaScript by Building a Role Playing Game - Step 118

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Hey everyone kindly guide me with this one; my instruction is below;

" Now you can build the attack function. First, update the text message to say The <monster name> attacks. , replacing <monster name> with the name of the monster. Remember you can use the concatenation operator for this."

my code is below;

function attack() {
text.innerText = "The <monster name> attacks.";


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Learn Basic JavaScript by Building a Role Playing Game - Step 118

“…replacing <monster name> with the name of the monster.”

You didn’t do this part. I’d look at the goFight function to see how you got the monster’s name previously.

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Appreciate your reply. I tried this;

function attack() {
text.innerText = "The" + monsters[fighting].name + "attacks.";


Your close but you have spacing issues

This is what your current code looks like

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 5.53.59 AM

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Thanks for guidance. spacing issues? kindly throw more light.

You probably want that to say something like ‘the slime attacks’ instead of ‘theslimeattacks’ right?

You should have three seperate words instead of one large word.

You need to make changes here

and here

to pass the test.

hope that is clearer

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ostensibly it isn’t clear.

function attack() {
  text.innerText = "The" + "monsters[fighting].name" + "attacks.";

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Let’s go back to your earlier attempt here because that was closer to the answer

Do not change this

that is correct

You need to make chagnes here

you need a space at the end of that string

and you need to make changes here

you did something similar here in an earlier step

Here is code you wrote from your sellWeapon function

text.innerText = "You sold a " + currentWeapon + ".";

notice the space here

"You sold a "

you need to do something similar here

and you need a space before the word here

once you fix those spacing issues, then the test will pass the correctly return the sentence

The slime attacks

instead of showing

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Appreciate for walking me through it and your patience. I tried this below;

function attack() {
  text.innerText = "The " + monsters[fighting].name + " attacks";

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Super close

You forgot the period here after the word attacks

you had it earlier here but might have accidently deleted it when making revisions

once you add that in, then the test will pass :+1:


Really truly appreciate your patience with me. it worked.


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