Learn Basic JavaScript by Building a Role Playing Game - Step 157

Tell us what’s happening:

I cannot understand how to use the logical AND operator.

### Your code so far:

if (isMonsterHit( )  &&  inventory.length !== 1) {
    monsterHealth -= weapons[currentWeapon].power + Math.floor(Math.random() * xp) + 1;    
  } else {
    text.innerText += " You miss.";


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Challenge Information:

Learn Basic JavaScript by Building a Role Playing Game - Step 157

This challenge is about the player’s only sword breaking. " We don’t want a player’s only weapon to break. The logical AND operator checks if two statements are true.

Use the logical AND operator && to add a second condition to your if statement. The player’s weapon should only break if inventory.length does not equal (!==) one."

But you do have a good example of an logical AND operator.

Happy learning. :slight_smile:

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Here is an example of the logical AND operator.

if (firstName === "Quincy" && lastName === "Larson") {


It allows us to use multiple conditions in an if statement.

And as for where the code is supposed to be used.

We want to use it in the code block where the player’s weapon breaks.

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Thanks I understood that I was applying the code on the wrong destination.

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Can u tell me what you mean by applying the code to the wrong destination, i tried to solve this but still didn’t work. So far my code:

if(weapons.length > 1 && inventory.length > 1){ }

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hey @nurularifin83

If you have a question about a specific challenge as it relates to your written code for that challenge and need some help, click the Ask for Help button located on the challenge (it looks like a question mark). This button only appears if you have tried to submit an answer at least three times.

The Ask for Help button will create a new topic with all code you have written and include a link to the challenge also. You will still be able to ask any questions in the post before submitting it to the forum.

Thank you.


Thank u so much for your suggestion.

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You don’t need to create a new function but add second function using logical And operator. Add second function using (&&) operator in the already present weapon break if condition you already wrote in step 154.

im also here at 157 but im so confused cannot code it still… ant help ?

hey @talshai656

If you have a question about a specific challenge as it relates to your written code for that challenge and need some help, click the Ask for Help button located on the challenge (it looks like a question mark). This button only appears if you have tried to submit an answer at least three times.

The Ask for Help button will create a new topic with all code you have written and include a link to the challenge also. You will still be able to ask any questions in the post before submitting it to the forum.

Thank you.