Learn Basic OOP by Building a Shopping Cart - Step 40

Tell us what’s happening:

i cannot figure out how to write this line display.style.${cartContainer}

display.style.cartContainer or

Your code so far

<!-- file: index.html -->

/* file: styles.css */

/* file: script.js */
// User Editable Region

cartBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
  isCartShowing = !isCartShowing;
  showHideCartSpan.textContent = isCartShowing ? "Hide" : "Show";
  this.style.display += isCartShowing ? "block" : "none"


// User Editable Region

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Learn Basic OOP by Building a Shopping Cart - Step 40

Hi @julieperk

Finally, update the display property of the style object of the cartContainer variable to another ternary which checks if isCartShowing is true. If it is, set the display property to "block" , otherwise set it to "none" .

Check which variable you need to access.

The structure will be similar to the one above.

Happy coding

I don’t understand I’m using the cartContainer variable

display.style.cartContainer += isCartShowing ? display.block : display.none

I’m confused can you give me an example in the right syntax?

The variable is showHideCartSpan

It goes at the start of the expression. Also note, you use the assignment operator not the compound assignment operator.

now I have this and now the ternary operator is wrong

showHideCartSpan.cartContainer.style.display === isCartShowing ? “block” : “none”

Use just one variable, do not use strict equality operator.

i have to use an assignment operator +=?

Do not use the compound assignment operator, use assignment operator like the code above.

I am still confused about the two variable thing? I tried cartContainer by itself.

showHideCartSpan.cartContainer = style.display = isCartShowing ? display= “block” : display = “none”

now i’m stuck on step 42 I’ll create a new topic