Learn Basic String and Array Methods by Building a Music Player - Step 70

Tell us what’s happening:

I tried using ternary operator to check if currentTitle and currentArtist are truthy, thus set it to a different value, else blank if falsey.
Not really sure where the problem lies.

Any tips or advices are greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

Your code so far

<!-- file: index.html -->

/* file: styles.css */

/* file: script.js */
// User Editable Region

currentTitle ? playingSong.textContent : "";
currentArtist ? songArtist.textContent : "";

// User Editable Region

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Learn Basic String and Array Methods by Building a Music Player - Step 70

the ternary operator is technically correct:) (edit: it isn’t- sorry, I misread it) you’re deciding between two values and not assigning them to anything right now.

variable = condition ? <value if true> : <value if false>

Hi there :slight_smile: ,
I’m a bit confused about condition, since it only requires the value to be truthy. Following your example is this a correct path to fix my code:

currentTitle ? currentTitle = playingSong.textContent : "";
currentArtist ? currentArtist = songArtist.textContent : "";

Sorry- I’ve read it wrong the first time.
In the first case, playingSong.textContent is the variable you want to set, and the currentTitle is both the condition you’re checking and one of the possible values.
currentTitle ? a : b checks if there’s any value assigned to currentTitle
(to be fair, this one is a bit confusing- I’ve only completed it yesterday, and had to figure out what’s actually happening there after completing it)

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Hi there!

The variable name with textContent property should be placed in the very left side.

variable.property = condition ? ifConditionTrue : otherWiseExicution;

Hi there!

Am I getting closer to the solution now? I’m still a bit confused so a bit in-depth explanation about why is textContent property should be placed in the very left side would be greatly appreciated!

playingSong.textContent = currentTitle ? playingSong.textContent : "";
songArtist.textContent = currentArtist ? songArtist.textContent : "";

After the question mark ? remove the variable.textContent and add that value you are using as condition.

Because that is correct Syntex to write code for checking the condition using ternary operator .


Hi, I believe that your question has already been answered however, it is best to remember with ternary operators syntax is as follows:

variable = conditional? action if true: action if false.

Varible = the thing you want to change so in this case playingSong.textContent.
conditional = the thing you are checking to be true - currentTitle.
action = update if true to first and then update if false after :
so this ternary is checking if currentTitle is true and then assigning currentTitle to playingSong.textContent or if false is assigning a empty string.

I hope that makes it easy to absorb.


I see. This makes much more sense now. Thank you very much for the details!

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