Tell us what’s happening:
My test is failing with the error message, " You should have one self-closing link element." I’ve tried rewriting my code several times with the same results. I do have memory loss from chronic illnesses, so it’s very possible that I’m missing or forgetting something here, but I don’t think so. Can anyone help?
Alright, not sure. Your code is good.
So only thing I can think of is it doesn’t want you to fill out the rel and href attributes yet possibly.
Try leaving them blank while still having the closing >
Hmmm, wish I could help more but I’m not sure what’s wrong. You can try resetting the lesson and entering it again. Otherwise I will contact someone who helps me when I get stuck like this and see if she can help out.
I just messaged a much more experienced coder than I and sent her a link to this post.
Hopefully she can help figure this out. She is in Canada and it’s a bit late so likely will not be tonight.
But I’ve run into this before, and I have a few incomplete projects, because of problems like this. I usually just go to the next step (it will let you skip on the curriculum page) and then you can still complete the project…
I figured it out. I had extensions causing a problem. I had an ad blocker and a spelling and grammar checker.
I’ve been doing lessons for a while without a problem, so I didn’t think this could be the problem, but it was. I disabled the ad blocker right a way, but it took me some work to find the spellchecker since I wouldn’t have thought that would cause issues.
Now I’ll be getting ready for bed. It’s almost 12:30 AM here and I have church in the morning.
Good find!
Yeah I’m catching up to you on the course honestly. I’m right behind you.
So I’ll check that too and make sure I don’t have the same problem.