Learn CSS Grid by Building a Magazine - Step 20

Tell us what’s happening:

Sir i got this error and i change the text and tried also the copy and paste it but it still giving me this same error kindly plzz guide
"Sorry, your code does not pass. Hang in there.

  1. Your fifth p should have the text We added the back end and data visualization challenges."

Your code so far

<!-- file: index.html -->
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        <article class="brief-history">
          <h3 class="list-title">A Brief History</h3>
          <p>Of the Curriculum</p>
          <ul class="lists">
            <h4 class='list-subtitle'>V1 - 2014</h4>
            <p>We launched freeCodeCamp with a simple list of 15 resources, including Harvard's CS50 and Stanford's Database Class.</p>
            <h4 class='list-subtitle'>V2 - 2015</h4>
            <p>We added interactive algorithm challenges.</p>
            <h4 class='list-subtitle'>V3 - 2015</h4>
            <p>We added our own HTML+CSS challenges (before we'd been relying on General Assembly's Dash course for these).</p>
            <h4 class='list-subtitle'>V4 - 2016</h4>
            <p>We expanded the curriculum to 3 certifications, including Front End, Back End, and Data Visualization. They each had 10 required projects, but only the Front End section had its own challenges. For the other certs, we were still using external resources like Node School.
            </p>We added the back end and data visualization challenges.</p>
            <h4 class='list-subtitle'>V5 - 2017</h4>
            <p>We added the back end and data visualization challenges.</p>
            <h4 class='list-subtitle'>V6 - 2018</h4>
            <p>We launched 6 new certifications to replace our old ones. This was the biggest curriculum improvement to date.</p>

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/* file: styles.css */

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Learn CSS Grid by Building a Magazine - Step 20

Looks like you have a problem here?

yess sir
the problem is just with text as i tried many times as rewrite the code and also copy the text and paste it but still the same error

You should not have written the same code twice though? Look at the code I quoted above :point_up_2:t3:

It has duplicate text.

I suggest you click reset and add the text only once.

thank you sir got your point

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