Learn Form Validation by Building a Calorie Counter - Step 77

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Learn Form Validation by Building a Calorie Counter - Step 77

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The question:
You need to know if the user is in a caloric surplus or deficit. A caloric surplus is when you consume more calories than you burn, and a caloric deficit is when you burn more calories than you consume. Burning as many calories as you consume is called maintenance, and can be thought of as a surplus or deficit of 0, depending on your goals.

Declare a surplusOrDeficit variable. Then use a ternary operator to set surplusOrDeficit to the string Surplus or Deficit depending on whether remainingCalories is less than 0. If it is less than 0, then surplusOrDeficit should be Surplus. Otherwise, it should be Deficit.

My code:

 const surplusOrDeficit = remainingCalories <= 0? "Surplus" : "Deficit";

The error message says you need to check if remainingCalories is less than 0 .

This is not what you wrote here though

you are using the wrong comparison operator.

once you fix that, then it will pass

I changed it and it is still not working ma’am!

please provide new code :+1:

  if (isError) {

  const consumedCalories = breakfastCalories + lunchCalories + dinnerCalories + snacksCalories;
  const remainingCalories = budgetCalories - consumedCalories + exerciseCalories;
  const surplusOrDeficit = remainingCalories >= 0? "Surplus": "Deficit";

same error

You are still using the wrong comparision operator here

This is the greater than or equal to operator

the one you wrote earlier was the less than or equal operator

the directions want you to use the less than operator.

hope that clears it up :+1:

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Thanks!!! it worked ma’am