Hi all, I’m working on the this project until the point of adding the rename key to the database object, CodeRoad keeps returning:
Your “sql_reference.json” file should have the correct properties and values
Even though I have tried copying the whole text from the hint (yes, i did leave an empty line at the end), the issue still persist . Any one have a suggestion on how to deal with this?
Here’s my json file:
"database": {
"create": "CREATE DATABASE database_name;",
"drop": "DROP DATABASE database_name;",
"rename": "ALTER DATABASE database_name RENAME TO new_name;"
"table": {
"create": "CREATE TABLE table_name();",
"drop": "DROP TABLE table_name;"
"row": {
"insert": "INSERT INTO table_name(columns) VALUES(values);",
"update": "UPDATE table_name SET column_name = new_value WHERE condition;",
"delete": "DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;"
Thanks in advance.