Learn Git by Building an SQL Reference Object - Build an SQL Reference Object

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I’ve restarted course called Learn Git by Building an SQL Reference Object and now
it doesn’t work anymore.

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Challenge: Learn Git by Building an SQL Reference Object - Build an SQL Reference Object

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“it doesnt work anymore” that’s vague?!

tell us more maybe that will help for others to comprehend and answer, thanks :slight_smile:

I’ve done some stupid mistake by deleting files in repository. I thought they were old files of the project. They were unstaged files.

it can happen fs, part of learning i guess, happy learning :slight_smile:

hope it’s all up and running just fine now?!

Not really :frowning: I just want to restart and start from the scratch.

on positive note, repetition does help solidifying knowledge though!!

If you want to try to continue where you were @KonstantineTskhadadz, you can try the tips here to restart the step you are on.

I’m not sure exactly what you deleted, but they may have been files crucial for running the course. If that’s the case, resetting the step may not work. If that doesn’t work, there’s instructions at the bottom of those tips to start the course from the beginning again.