Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App - Step 14

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Hello guys I can’t seem to get the nesting right. I’m trying to turn an image into a link in building the cat photo app. Kindly assist. What am I doing wrong in step 14

  **<a href="https://freecatphotoapp.com"><img src="https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/curriculum/cat-photo-app/relaxing-cat.jpg"alt="A cute orange cat lying on its back"></a>**
    <h2>Cat Photos</h2>
    <!-- TODO: Add link to cat photos -->
    <p>Click here to view more <a target="_blank" href="https://freecatphotoapp.com">cat photos</a>.</p>
   <a href="https://freecatphotoapp.com"><img src="https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/curriculum/cat-photo-app/relaxing-cat.jpg"alt="A cute orange cat lying on its back"></a>
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Challenge: Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App - Step 14

Link to the challenge:

What is happening when you click the cat photo / image?

I get an alert saying, " Normally this link would bring you to another website! It works! This is a link to: (https://freecatphotoapp.com/)"

When you click the photo/image it should take you to the linked page - that about it.

However, when I check my code I get the notification that, “Sorry your code doesn’t pass. Hang in there.”

How can I fix this? I’ve gone over the code several times but I’m just not seeing the mistake.

Probably you are not signed into the FCC account (your code is okay). You are seeing similar alert when not signed in:

Thank you. You are a dear. That was the issue.

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