Learn HTML By Building a Cat Photo App - Step 49

Hi I am still stuck on this. How should the code look in the end?

if you really want to know this, then you can look at the next step to see it. However, it will not help you learn much if you do this each time.

I understand. This is my code:

 <label><input  valve="indoor" id="indoor"  type="radio"  name="indoor-outdoor"> Indoor</label>
          <label><input valve="outdoor" id= "outdoor"  type="radio"  name="indoor-outdoor"> Outdoor</label>

Can you help me spot the error?


Can you please describe your Code Problem please !!

If possible create your Own Post to get an Solution !!

Hope You Understand !!

My problem is that I don’t know where to insert the valve. Every time I insert it, I get a similar error to the post above.

i moved your posts to a new topic. (you should always create a new topic for a question instead of posting your question in someone else’s topic)

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you have mispelled the word value
(value not valve)

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