Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong here? The error tells me to add 5 Option elements inside the Select element, but near as I can tell I already have. What am I missing?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Registration Form</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" />
<h1>Registration Form</h1>
<p>Please fill out this form with the required information</p>
<form method="post" action=''>
<label for="first-name">Enter Your First Name: <input id="first-name" type="text" required /></label>
<label for="last-name">Enter Your Last Name: <input id="last-name" type="text" required /></label>
<label for="email">Enter Your Email: <input id="email" type="email" required /></label>
<label for="new-password">Create a New Password: <input id="new-password" type="password" pattern="[a-z0-5]{8,}" required /></label>
<legend>Account type (required)</legend>
<label for="personal-account"><input id="personal-account" type="radio" name="account-type" checked /> Personal</label>
<label for="business-account"><input id="business-account" type="radio" name="account-type" /> Business</label>
<label>Upload a profile picture: <input type="file" /></label>
<label>Input your age (years): <input type="number" min="13" max="120" /></label>