Learn Lambda Functions by Building an Expense Tracker - Step 34

Tell us what’s happening:

I cannot understend where place the elif in these lines

Your code so far

def add_expense(expenses, amount, category):
    expenses.append({'amount': amount, 'category': category})
def print_expenses(expenses):
    for expense in expenses:
        print(f'Amount: {expense["amount"]}, Category: {expense["category"]}')
def total_expenses(expenses):
    return sum(map(lambda expense: expense['amount'], expenses))
def filter_expenses_by_category(expenses, category):
    return filter(lambda expense: expense['category'] == category, expenses)

def main():
    expenses = []
    while True:
        print('\nExpense Tracker')
        print('1. Add an expense')
        print('2. List all expenses')
        print('3. Show total expenses')
        print('4. Filter expenses by category')
        print('5. Exit')
        choice = input('Enter your choice: ')

/* User Editable Region */

   if choice == '1':
        amount = float(input('Enter amount: '))
        category = input('Enter category: ')
        add_expense(expenses, amount, category)
    elif choice  == '2':
        print('\nAll Expenses:')


/* User Editable Region */

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Challenge Information:

Learn Lambda Functions by Building an Expense Tracker - Step 34

you now have the if/elif statements outside the while loop. Did you want that to happen?

if choice == '1':
    amount = float(input('Enter amount: '))
    category = input('Enter category: ')
    add_expense(expenses, amount, category)
elif choice == '2':
    print('\nAll Expenses: ')

Still not working

you did not answer the question, did you want the if/elif statement outside the while loop?

Yes I did want that , but did it affects the output?

I solved. Thanks for the valid support :slight_smile:

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Hey! I have the same error and I couldn´t solve it. Can you please tell me how did you solve it? Thank you!

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