I guess I’m not too sure what the msg property of the current object is. In general I’m quite lost on this step and would appreciate some guidance as to what I am doing wrong and how I can get closer to the solution.
Your code so far
<!-- file: index.html -->
/* file: styles.css */
/* file: script.js */
// User Editable Region
const msg = document.getElementById.textContent(obj.inputVal);
// User Editable Region
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Learn Recursion by Building a Decimal to Binary Converter - Step 103
You are not asked to create msg varable, so you do not need to use the const or any declaration keyword.
Now, use the .getElementById() method to select the element with that attribute value, again using the obj.inputVal property.
Take a look at the first few lines of code in the editor.
After that, set the textContent property of the selected element equal to the msg property of the current object, to update its text after the delay you specified earlier.
So far, I have changed the .getElementById to document.getElementById(obj.inputVal).textContent, which I think is correct, and I believe the current object is animationData, so I have set it equal to animationData.msg, but something is still wrong apparently. So I think now I am having trouble setting the textContent property of the selected element equal to the msg property of the current obj. So either I am wrong in believing animationData is the current obj or I am having some syntax error I can’t put my finger on