Learn Recursion by Solving the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle - Step 40

Tell us what’s happening:

Instructions say to do what I did in Step 38 I follwed what they asked but code still not working?

Your code so far

number_of_moves = 2**NUMBER_OF_DISKS - 1
rods = {
    'A': list(range(NUMBER_OF_DISKS, 0, -1)),
    'B': [],
    'C': []

def make_allowed_move(rod1, rod2):    
    forward = False
    if not rods[rod2]:
        forward = True
    elif rods[rod1] and rods[rod1][-1] < rods[rod2][-1]:
        forward = True
    if forward:
        print(f'Moving disk {rods[rod1][-1]} from {rod1} to {rod2}')
        print(f'Moving disk {rods[rod2][-1]} from {rod2} to {rod1}')
    # display our progress
    print(rods, '\n')

def move(n, source, auxiliary, target):
    # display starting configuration
    print(rods, '\n')
    for i in range(number_of_moves):
        remainder = (i + 1) % 3
        if remainder == 1:
            if n % 2 != 0:
                print(f'Move {i + 1} allowed between {source} and {target}')
                make_allowed_move(source, target)

# User Editable Region

                print(f'Move {i + 1} allowed between {source} and {auxiliary}')
                make_allowed_move(source, auxiliary)            

        elif remainder == 2:
            if n % 2 != 1:
            print(f'Move {i + 1} allowed between {source} and {auxiliary}')
            make_allowed_move(source, auxiliary)

# User Editable Region

        elif remainder == 0:
            print(f'Move {i + 1} allowed between {auxiliary} and {target}')
            make_allowed_move(auxiliary, target)
# initiate call from source A to target C with auxiliary B
move(NUMBER_OF_DISKS, 'A', 'B', 'C')

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Learn Recursion by Solving the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle - Step 40

you have an indentation error, didn’t you see the test result and the terminal? the content of the if needs to be indented

after that

to execute when n is odd.

what’s the reminder for n % 2 if n is odd?

If i click on the terminal to preview it sometimes just goes completely blank and I have to restart the lesson, so I usually don’t even attempt to see the view on that system.

it’s there on the right, it shows important messages if you have errors, like in this case

It was two lines that needed to be indented not just one that was the hang up, got it now.