Learn Regular Expressions by Building a Password Generator - Step 26

Tell us what’s happening:

i have add
constraints.append(('nums',' '))
but it show error

Your code so far

import secrets
import string

def generate_password(length, nums, special_chars, uppercase, lowercase):
    # Define the possible characters for the password
    letters = string.ascii_letters
    digits = string.digits
    symbols = string.punctuation

    # Combine all characters
    all_characters = letters + digits + symbols

    while True:
        password = ''
        # Generate password
        for _ in range(length):

# User Editable Region

            password += secrets.choice(all_characters)
    constraints = []

# User Editable Region

    return password

# new_password = generate_password(8)
# print(new_password)

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Learn Regular Expressions by Building a Password Generator - Step 26

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What is nums is that a string or a variable?

Can you please show the error it might show what’s wrong. Be sure to check the console for hints as well.

Welcome to the forum @nainishap263

Modify the constraints list assignment by adding a tuple to your list. Use nums as the first item and an empty string as the second item.

The instructions ask you to modify the constraints list, not append to it.

Also, look closely at the hint @pkdvalis gave regarding nums

Happy coding

thank you all of you and i got solution of it
– code removed–


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