I started the database course yday, went to sleep, and when I came back to learn, the system has remembered my progress in terms of what step I am at, but the terminal instance I had running is gone and it needs to be re-activated, I think with the same set of commands from the very beginning which I don’t have access to anymore. I tried typing psql but that didn’t work.
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Challenge: Learn Relational Databases by Building a Mario Database - Build a Mario Database
the instructions are inside the CodeRoad tab.
Just scroll up within the Coderoad tab and look for a hamburger menu icon in the top left corner. Click it and you will be presented with 2 choices as far as I recall. One of them will show you all the steps from the very beginning (I think it is called Review?) and you can review them and find the original instructions to open a terminal and run psql etc.
Thanks for replying but there was an easier solution which was to reference the Github repo which had the full psql sign in command. I’ll leave this topic up in case it helps someone in the future.