Learn Relational Databases by Building a Mario Database - Build a Mario Database

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I am stuck again, I restarted the Mario project, but again I am typing the same code and hint also says the same code, but its not moving forward, I also tried resetting, Currently I have to Delete ‘Samus’ data from second_table, also when I am using SELECT to see the data, then also its not doing anything…

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Learn Relational Databases by Building a Mario Database - Build a Mario Database

you are in an unclosed command. Try to write '; and then enter to get unstuck

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Hey @ILM thanks again for helping me! After reading your suggestion, when I went back to the terminator, I just rewrite the code again and it worked. Thank you once again @ILM :pray:

see how the other screenshot the cursor at the beginning of the line was '>? that means it is continuing a command.
It should be => to not be the continuation of a command

okay @ILM I do see that, thanks again for sharing that, I am very new to coding, so don’t know much about it… so what should I would have done when it is continuing a command ('>)

you need to complete the command with the character shown there before the angular bracket and a semicolon

okay…noted @ILM , will so the same in similar cases, and thanks again @ILM :pray: