Learn the Bisection Method by Finding the Square Root of a Number - Step 18

            print(f"Failed to converge within {max_iterations} iterations.")
             root is not None
             print(f'The square root of {square_target} is approximately {root}')```

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Sorry I tried posting but it just posted the code not the description. I am trying to figure out what i need to do to pass the code I tried indenting and moving things around but doesnt seem to pass still?

I don’t know what the code is supposed to do, as you deleted the link to the step

Tell us what’s happening:

Tried to move code around but still encountering problem somewhere, I think indentation but not sure. Code wont pass.

Your code so far

def square_root_bisection(square_target, tolerance=1e-7, max_iterations=100):
    if square_target < 0:
        raise ValueError('Square root of negative number is not defined in real numbers')
    if square_target == 1:
        root = 1
        print(f'The square root of {square_target} is 1')
    elif square_target == 0:
        root = 0
        print(f'The square root of {square_target} is 0')

        low = 0
        high = max(1, square_target)
        root = None
        for _ in range(max_iterations):
            mid = (low + high) / 2
            square_mid = mid**2

            if abs(square_mid - square_target) < tolerance:
                root = mid

            elif square_mid < square_target:
                low = mid
                high = mid

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        if root is None:
            print(f"Failed to converge within {max_iterations} iterations.")
             root is not None
             print(f'The square root of {square_target} is approximately {root}')


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Learn the Bisection Method by Finding the Square Root of a Number - Step 18

The response I keep getting is “you should create an else clause”?

else: handles all other cases, so it doesn’t take a condition. But you have a random condition on the next line

Not understanding whay you mean by random condition the request is to say is not None?

I just got what you meant by random condition got rid of it now it passes.

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