Hello everyone, I’d like to just share my experience of learning coding at a traditional college program (i.e. in the classroom). First off, let me provide some background…
I’ve been learning to code/develop for the past 7 months or so on my own (FCC playing a major role in my learning). I love teaching myself online because I can learn at my own pace, learn what I need/want, and do it all for very cheap or free! I applied to some jobs at the end of summer with my limited experience but did not get an interview. So I decided I would enroll in a 1-year co-op college program while continuing to teach myself online (so when I go to apply for jobs again, I can be certain to land a job). Well, here I am right now 2/3 done my first semester, and what a disaster (in terms of learning) it has been…
The only benefit I see for this program is that it guarantees me a paid co-op job (in case I still was not ready for a full-time, non-co-op job yet) and it looks good to have a college degree on my resume.
In college, our coding skills are tested via arbitrary, trivial methods, like multiple-choice questionnaires (i.e. “what does the link tag do?” type questions). This is the most unorthodox and useless way to gauge skill in coding. Most of these students can answer these questions, but they cannot build an app or design a website, so what good does a high mark on this test do anyway?
In one course, we wasted 3 classes (7-9 hours) because the instructor was having difficulty getting everyone (with their different operating systems, versions, and level of experience) to set up a local PHP and WordPress environment (meanwhile, this is something I taught myself from a short you-tube video, for free). In another class, we are learning only HTML and CSS, and after 3-4 months we are expected to build an ugly, non-response static website, and nothing about how we can even host it online (this is something I already knew how to do before entering this program).
There is so much more I can say about why college is a waste of time and money for learning web development and coding, but this post is already getting long enough
These two you-tube videos linked below, if you care to watch (and if you haven’t already seen them) sum up the horrible state our educational system is currently in:
I’d like to hear your thoughts on learning to code/program in a college program vs. learning online (at a place like FCC).