Let movies = [] Output wrong

I don’t know why this don’t work, because I saw the result need to be a array:

ratings should equal [{"title": "Inception", "rating": "8.8"}, {"title": "Interstellar", "rating": "8.6"}, {"title": "The Dark Knight", "rating": "9.0"},{"title": "Batman Begins", "rating": "8.3"}, {"title": "Avatar", "rating": "7.9"}]

so I just:

let movies = [];

but seems it doesn’t work :

const ratings = watchList.map(movie => { 
  let movies = [];
  movies["title"] = movie["Title"];
  movies["rating"] = movie["imdbRating"]
  return movies;



but when I change for this:

const ratings = watchList.map(movie => { 
  let movies = {};
  movies["title"] = movie["Title"];
  movies["rating"] = movie["imdbRating"]
  return movies;

It passed!
I dont’t get it…

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Challenge: Use the map Method to Extract Data from an Array

Link to the challenge:

[] is an array, {} is an object. The expected result is array of objects, not array of arrays.

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The other thing to note is that you got an bunch of empty arrays is because the way you where adding the values to an array was incorrect. You technically did add them to the movies array object, but not in the way arrays are intended to be used with indexes.

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