Live Server is not responding

live server is not responding at any of the commands

Hello, sahil.

We are going to need a lot more information, in order to be able to help you.

I’d already installed live server.After right clicking .html file there’s an option we can see.On clicking the option of live server the very same is not responding.Please help me

What is live server? Who is the provider of this software? What operating system are you on? What steps did you take to install this?

Please, spend some time providing detailed information, relevant code, workspace information, screenshots, and links to the relevant resources.

Help me plz my live server is not working properly
I am click on html file and click on start with live server but server status shows port 5500 but chrome does not open. I have reinstall the visual studio

Generally, I recommend you start your own topic for your question, but please provide more information.

  • What is “[your] live server”?
  • Did you make this server, or are you talking about the VS Code extension Live Server, or are you talking about the npm package live-server, or another api?
  • What do you expect to happen? That Chrome automatically opens to the server address? Or, is the issue that when you direct to the address nothing appears?

We cannot help without more information, because we do not know what your setup looks like.

Also, please do not create duplicate posts.

I am talking about a vs code Live server
My live server is not working well