Local Weather app - Please Review :)

Hi all,

I (think!) I’ve completed my local weather app, I was wondering if I could get some feedback and any improvements I could make? Thanks! :slight_smile:

:open_umbrella: :sunny: :cloud: My local weather app on CodePen :cloud: :sunny: :open_umbrella:

1 Like

Neat design :thumbsup:

Temperature buttons don’t seem to work :frowning:

Hmm, thanks for that, they seem to work for me… Will take a look and see what the issue could be!

buttons not working for me

working for me in chrome.

Looking good too, nice simple design of the main weather element.

@kevcomedia & @svmi3195 Should be fixed now, found it wasn’t working in Friefox. Could you please have another look and let me know? Thanks :thumbsup:

Yep they’re working now :thumbsup: , but now I can’t see the icon or the background nevermind, it just took too long to load

Thanks! Yeah, I’m hosting the images through my Dropbox, might take a while :slight_smile:

working for me now too :+1:

Nice… It’s working perfect.

It works perfectly for me. Good job!

Good Job.
Impressive design