Machine Learning Rock Paper Scissors

I just completed the Python Rock Paper Scissors Machine Learning project… but I did not find my solution satisfying. I thought there was a way for a certain piece of code to look back at the opponents history and then through pattern recognition clear the challenges.

I was looking at a Markov Chain approach and Bayesian Statistics, however… the hint stated that I needed to change strategies and therefore I hardcoded a way to counter the strategies given no matter the order.

Was hardcoding the way to solve this challenge? Or did I miss something?


Perhaps we should use one more list to save record and response accordingly?

I did create another list of my own history , and another for winrate to switch strategies… However, that is not a machine learning a pattern on its own.

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I found this code has high win-rate, created by eisbilir

# The example function below keeps track of the opponent's history and plays whatever the opponent played two plays ago. It is not a very good player so you will need to change the code to pass the challenge.
import numpy as np

ideal_response = {"P": "S", "R": "P", "S": "R"}
my_moves = ["R"]
opponent_history = []
strategy = [0, 0, 0, 0]
opponent_guess = ["", "", "", ""]
strategy_guess = ["", "", "", ""]
opponent_play_order = {}
my_play_order = {}

def player(prev_play):
    if prev_play in ["R", "P", "S"]:
        for i in range(0, 4):
            if opponent_guess[i] == prev_play:
                strategy[i] += 1

    my_last_ten = my_moves[-10:]
    if len(my_last_ten) > 0:
        my_most_frequent_move = max(set(my_last_ten), key=my_last_ten.count)
        opponent_guess[0] = ideal_response[my_most_frequent_move]
        strategy_guess[0] = ideal_response[opponent_guess[0]]

    if len(my_moves) > 0:
        my_last_play = my_moves[-1]
        opponent_guess[1] = ideal_response[my_last_play]
        strategy_guess[1] = ideal_response[opponent_guess[1]]

    if len(opponent_history) >= 3:
        opponent_guess[2] = predict_move(opponent_history, 3, opponent_play_order)
        strategy_guess[2] = ideal_response[opponent_guess[2]]

    if len(my_moves) >= 2:
        opponent_guess[3] = ideal_response[predict_move(my_moves, 2, my_play_order)]
        strategy_guess[3] = ideal_response[opponent_guess[3]]

    best_strategy = np.argmax(strategy)
    guess = strategy_guess[best_strategy]
    if guess == "":
        guess = "S"
    return guess

def predict_move(history, n, play_order):
    if "".join(history[-n:]) in play_order.keys():
        play_order["".join(history[-n:])] += 1
        play_order["".join(history[-n:])] = 1
    possible = ["".join(history[-(n - 1) :]) + k for k in ["R", "P", "S"]]
    for pm in possible:
        if not pm in play_order.keys():
            play_order[pm] = 0
    predict = max(possible, key=lambda key: play_order[key])
    return predict[-1]

def reset():
    global my_moves, opponent_history, strategy, opponent_guess, strategy_guess, opponent_play_order, my_play_order
    my_moves = ["R"]
    strategy = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    opponent_guess = ["", "", "", ""]
    strategy_guess = ["", "", "", ""]
    opponent_play_order = {}
    my_play_order = {}

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