Tell us what’s happening:
I just cannot get most of these over 60% no matter how hard i try or how detailed i make the algorithm, and nothing is working. If anyone can suggest any potential solutions, please do, it would help so much. Thanks!
Your code so far
import random
class LearningBot:
def init(self):
self.opponent_history =
self.move_distribution = {‘R’: 0, ‘P’: 0, ‘S’: 0}
self.markov_chain = {}
def update_history(self, prev_play):
def update_move_distribution(self):
for move in self.opponent_history:
if move:
self.move_distribution[move] += 1
def update_markov_chain(self):
if len(self.opponent_history) >= 4:
past_moves = tuple(self.opponent_history[-4:])
current_move = self.opponent_history[-1]
if past_moves not in self.markov_chain:
self.markov_chain[past_moves] = {'R': 0, 'P': 0, 'S': 0}
self.markov_chain[past_moves][current_move] += 1
def predict_opponent_move(self):
if len(self.opponent_history) >= 4:
past_moves = tuple(self.opponent_history[-4:])
next_move_distribution = self.markov_chain.get(past_moves, None)
if next_move_distribution:
max_count = max(next_move_distribution.values())
predicted_moves = [move for move, count in next_move_distribution.items() if count == max_count]
return random.choice(predicted_moves)
# If not enough history for Markov Chain, fall back to counter strategy
max_count = max(self.move_distribution.values())
predicted_moves = [move for move, count in self.move_distribution.items() if count == max_count]
return random.choice(predicted_moves)
def player(prev_play, opponent_history=):
if prev_play:
bot = LearningBot()
# Opponent-specific strategies
if 'PP' in ''.join(opponent_history[-4:]):
my_move = 'S' # Counter Abbey's PP pattern
elif 'SS' in ''.join(opponent_history[-4:]):
my_move = 'R' # Counter Kris's SS pattern
predicted_move = bot.predict_opponent_move()
if 'abbey' in opponent_history[-4:]:
# Adjust strategy against Abbey
my_move = 'P' if predicted_move == 'S' else 'R'
elif 'kris' in opponent_history[-4:]:
# Adjust strategy against Kris
my_move = 'S' if predicted_move == 'R' else 'P'
# General counter strategy
counter_moves = {'R': 'P', 'P': 'S', 'S': 'R'}
my_move = counter_moves[predicted_move]
return my_move
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Challenge: Machine Learning with Python Projects - Rock Paper Scissors
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