Machine Learning with Python Projects - Rock Paper Scissors

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Challenge: Machine Learning with Python Projects - Rock Paper Scissors

Link to the challenge:

I’d love to help you with this, but you need to explain your problem!

I have no Idea on how to get above the 60% on all 4 tests. Can you tell me how to do it?

My code:

def player(prev_play, opponent_history=[]):
  choice = random.randint(1,100)
  #Slight Randomness Added to Vary results and confuse opponent algorithims
  if choice >=1 and choice <= 60:
    if prev_play == '':
          prev_play = "R"
    response = {'P': 'S', 'R': 'P', 'S': 'R'}
    return response[prev_play]
    randguess = random.randint(1,3)
    if randguess == 1:
      guess = "R"
    elif randguess == 2:
      guess = "S"
      guess = "P"
    return guess

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