Rock paper scissors challenge

Tell us what’s happening:
i need help with this challenge please, i’ve been on it for days now and it’s frustrating

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Challenge: Rock Paper Scissors

Link to the challenge:

Tell us what’s happening:
I’ve tried to manipulate my code to get an accuracy of at least 60% for each of the players but it’s been difficult…please help me

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:79.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/79.0.

Challenge: Rock Paper Scissors

Link to the challenge:

First of all, I haven’t played it. However…

Cheating without cheating: read the file to understand the implementation so you can understand what to write as an answer. Why do I consider that as not cheating? Because f you understand what it is in that file, you are understanding python - which is the most important aspect of the course anyway.

Hint without reading According to what I quickly read from the implementation, you will face a very simple probabilistic problem. My first guess is that you will have to increase the probability of some of your responses so it matches the chance of winning. Following the history helps to get an inside of the distribution of the bot actions. If I am right, you will have to match that distribution.

Based on what I read from the implementation this statement in the description of the exercise: "A program that picks at random will usually win 50% of the time. " might NOT applicable to this example in particular. I think it won’t be 50% (try to measure it?).