Managing Packages with NPM - How to Use package.json, the Core of Any Node.js Project or npm Package

Tell us what’s happening:
Repl link just doesn’t work to pass the test.

I think the instructions are clear, but just couldn’t’t figure out why I always cannot pass the test. My code is below, and I used the link provided in the README file, which is The link just dosen’t work.

Somebody please help! Thank you!

Your code so far

“name”: “fcc-learn-npm-package-json”,
“author”: “Will”,
“dependencies”: {
“express”: “^4.14.0”
“main”: “server.js”,
“scripts”: {
“start”: “node server.js”
“repository”: {
“type”: “git”,
“url”: “https://idontknow/todo.git

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Challenge: Managing Packages with NPM - How to Use package.json, the Core of Any Node.js Project or npm Package

Link to the challenge:

You need to provide the url that’s in the browser preview in replit

how do you find the webview tag? I don’t see that on my end.

Thank you

I now found the link after I ran my code again. But I still cannot pass the test. Is that a problem on fcc’s back end?

Is your replit public?

I am not quite sure… So should I publish it?

Yes you need to publish it

Just published it (to the community as the Repl shows).

But still not working…

When i click the upper right corner button, i shows errors again

What is the published live link?

here it it

boilerplate-npm (2) - Replit

That’s not the correct link. The correct one would end in .co

Here is your link

You mean this one?

Thank you! But neither of them passes the test

So now you figured out how to publish and share the correct link. Next you need to fulfill the requested code change.

Right. I have been having “author”: “me”, in my json file in my code, but it doesn’t help me get through the test

I am not sure if this will give us some clues: every time I click on the upper right corner button “open in a new tab”, it shows the error webpage (which I showed minutes ago). Does that indicate there might be some issues with the network?