Managing Packages with NPM - How to Use package.json, the Core of Any Node.js Project or npm Package

Tell us what’s happening:

I inserted the link to the first exercise, where you have to include the author name in the package.json file and wrote it in the correct format, yet it keeps rejecting it and says its an error even though it ran properly on GitPod

###Your project link(s)


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Challenge Information:

Managing Packages with NPM - How to Use package.json, the Core of Any Node.js Project or npm Package

Hello & Welcome, this question seems be the same thing I read yesterday, you can open the inspector on the FCC project page and look at the console for errors. At this point gitpod is having these errors a lot and the link requires you to open an account. Running locally with Git hub may be a better option.

Did you remember to restart the server after making the change?

Are you submitting the correct URL? It should be the one from the preview window (starts with 3000-)

There are no issues with Gitpod or this challenge.

I didnt think of that but i’ll be sure to try it if I run into this issue again.

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I realize that now, it was asking for the preview link and i wasn’t aware, thank you for noting that out.

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