Manipulating Complex Objects2

i dont understand what i should do

Your code so far

var myMusic = [
    "artist": "Billy Joel",
    "title": "Piano Man",
    "release_year": 1973,
    "formats": [ 
      "LP" ],
    "gold": true
  // Add record here

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Link to the challenge:

You should add another object onto that one. So you need to add a , next to the curly brace and then start a new object that has a similar structure to that one.

The instructions then tell you want to use for the new object.

This is how it will look.

var myMusic = [
    "artist": "Billy Joel",
    "title": "Piano Man",
    "release_year": 1973,
    "formats": [ 
      "LP" ],
    "gold": true
  }, {
    // Add your new object here

You then need to use the same key value structure as in the template

ok i do that but it show me 3 first write another six its wrong(sorry for my english i dont know very well

Post what your code looks like now

var myMusic = [
“artist”: “Billy Joel”,
“title”: “Piano Man”,
“release_year”: 1973,
“formats”: [
“LP” ],
“gold”: true
}, {
// Add your new object here
That is my code right now

Okay I didn’t give you the correct answer just to copy and paste it to move on. I gave you a start to work towards figuring it out.

You actually need to create your object where I left the comment // Add your new object here

JavaScript Objects work in a key value pair. You have a key with a value assigned to it.

Look at the current Object.

You have a key called 'artist': with a value "Billie Joel".
A value can also be a array like the "formats" key.

This is the structure of the object.

“artist”: value,
“title”: value,
“release_year”: value,
“formats”: [ values ,
“gold”: value,

You need to replicate that with the data that is given to you in the challenge

where i write that?below the // add your new object here

no no no i understand where i put it

Either below or just delete that comment. Either will work since it is just a comment

aa ok i understand them all

thank you… the instructions was so confusing!