I finished the Markdown Previewer Project and it works works ok. But it fails 1/8 Tests and I can’t see the reason. Is it something I miss? Here is the online link of the project: [https://monicalaura.github.io/my-markdown/](http://My Markdown)
Here is my component Markdown:
class MyMarkdown extends React.Component {
state = {
markdown: `I am a Heading\n=======\n\n I am a Sub-heading\n-----------\n
\n### I am a smaller heading\n \nParagraphs are separated\nby a
blank line.\n\nLeave 2 spaces at the end of a line to do a \nline
break\n\nText attributes *italic*, **bold**, or, wow... **_both italic and bold!_** \n'monospace',
~~strikethrough~~ .\n\nUnordered list:\n\n * bananas\n * kiwi\n * oranges\n
\n\nNumbered list:\n\n 1. milk\n 2. eggs\n 3. butter\n
Hey, you can also ~~cross stuff out~~.
### More awesome stuff:
Some code, \`<div></div>\`, between 2 backticks.
There's also [links](https://www.google.com) \n
*Life is more beautiful with embedded images:
![React Logo w/ Text](https://goo.gl/Umyytc) `
writeMarkdown = function(markdown){
render() {
let {markdown} = this.state;
return (<div className='row'>
<div className='col-md-6'>
<h4 className="text-center">Input</h4>
<textarea rows="20" cols="60"
onChange={(event) => this.writeMarkdown(event.target.value)}
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html:marked(markdown)}} id='htmlArea' className=' col-md-6 col-xs-10 '>
export default MyMarkdown
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Challenge: Build a Markdown Previewer
Link to the challenge: