Media query expectedcss(css-mediaqueryexpected) ERROR

Hello, I Have problem With This Error

media query expectedcss(css-mediaqueryexpected)
Can You Help Me?!
Screenshot (103)

Welcome to the community :smiley:

If you look at your screenshot, there is a red line below " * ".
Its possible your problem is just before that.

Often this is a syntax error, however I’m unsure if @import is in the correct file.

Thank you
yeah that’s my problem and I don’t know how to solve it
I’m Begginer :grin:

lol same, I’ve not used @import before, seems that’s in the correct file according to documentation I found.

You can add code to a post or reply using three backtics before and after a code block if you want to copy and past the first 5 lines of your CSS.

If you cant find a backtic on your keyboard, you can use ALT+096 to display one

I suspect you may need a semicolon at the end of the import line

Thank you my friend
It’s working Now :heart_eyes: :heart:

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