Hi, I’m new to python world. my question may be very basic.
I’m running a script in spyder (3.8) via Anaconda Navigator. The script is trying to import ‘PyExcelerate’ module to open an excel and write the data.
The error says the above module is not found. I installed via comapnd prompt by pip command and then tried navigating the path (till site-packages0 , but no luck.
Anaconda using environments where you can set different modules and versions to be used.
The idea is, that if you happen to work on different projects, you might have different modules and libraries and versions in use for various reasons (dependencies in short). For example there might be a project which was created 5 years ago and used Python 2 with some old versions of libraries. Some methods might be deprecated, renamed or reworked. But nobody has the time nor need to update the code to the most recent Python version - so instead if you develope for it, you set an environment with the older versions. This way if the code works on your side, it will work on the other side.
This means after installing a module, you need to navigate to the environment in Anaconda and add the library to your current environment.
I had installed python 2.7 and spyder is 3.8, from where I navigated the library package (pyexcelerate) via pythonpath manager. Please advice what I need to do additionally. (“you set an environment with the older versions. This way if the code works on your side, it will work on the other side.”)