My Drum Machine Project Feedback

Checkout the drum machine I just completed:

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Hey, this looks pretty good!

I would change cursor when it hovers on bank and pads.


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thanks for the feedback, I have made the update

I’m still creating this project for my certification, came to test a little bit yours and found out, it’s still not reaching out user story #6

User Story #6:
 When I press the trigger key associated with each .drum-pad,
 the audio clip contained in its child audio element should be triggered
 (e.g. pressing the Q key should trigger the drum pad which contains
 the string "Q", pressing the W key should trigger the drum pad which
 contains the string "W", etc.).

Do you plan to reach this user story? if so, how?

As I said, I’m still creating my own and I haven’t reached even the first user story :joy:

Only part of the user story I really paid attention to was the ‘functionally similar to…’ lol…I will go over it again sometime, to make sure it fulfils the story requirements

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