Hey guys, I’m sharing with you my new tribute page project. Please tell me if something could be done different (better) or what should I improve in code, because it isn’t faultless for sure. I know it’s not perfect but now I’m much happier then last time when I didn’t know what line was responsible for what exactly.
Page is responsive now also, but it could looks better.
If you have any advice please tell me!
Thanks in advance
Hi @Lynthius, just had a look at your tribute page project! It looks very promising indeed. I have noticed two things. First, the picture is not displayed for me. Check what link you inserted! Second, I can only partially see the grey block at the bottom of the page that contains the “Read more at wikipedia” text.
Congrats to the great work!
Hi @Lynthius, your page looks good. A few things you may want to revisit;
codepen provides validators for HTML, CSS and JS. Click on the down arrow in the upper right of each section and then click on the respective ‘Analyze’ link.
You have an unclosed block in CSS and some elements that are not valid in HTML.
as an aside, don’t use the <br> element to add spacing in HTML. Use margin and/or padding in CSS instead.
keep the test script when forking the pen (<script src="https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/testable-projects-fcc/v1/bundle.js"></script>). Your page passes 8/10 user stories.
Thanks. I’ll check it, didn’t know about validators. When it comes to the test script I know, I passed it and then I changed code because it looks better when whole page isn’t centered.
Now I’m working on survey form. I want to unify looks of survey with tribute page
I will show you when it’s done!