My account seems to be corrupted

Hello FCC Forums,

I signed up for a Free Code Camp ages ago with my GitHub account. However, when I go to login to FCC. I’m getting an error that I can’t seem to resolve on my own. This occurs with any sign in method available.

Google, Facebook, GitHub, Email - I can’t sign in with any of them. It doesn’t help if I click ‘sign in’ or ‘get started’

I’ve tried all the sign in methods with both links.

Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again in a moment.

Is there anything we can do to delete my account and start over? Is there another support area I’ll need to use?

If you are unable to log in or keep getting “we cannot reach the server…” it may be that you have a duplicated account. To solve this issue you will need to write to

You can read more about the issue here

Hope this helps

Excellent! Thank you Sky, I’ve just sent an email over to support.

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