My Functional Weather App : ) (Please Review )

My Personal Project

Somewhat Functional Weather App built with OpenWeather API, featuring real-time weather data, a smooth loading animation (hope it loads), and error handling for a seamless user experience. Please review my Javascript Code.

CodePen Link For the Project

Took me 3days. Hope you enjoy :slight_smile: && sorry for the messey code
Thanks For taking the time to go over my code!

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It doesn’t work tho? I am trying to search and when clicking the lens it doesn’t to nothing

Edit: it doesn’t work in full screen for some reason

Hi @calvin6taw

The top part of the app did not populate with any weather data.

I was able to get the weather for the Sun, and Jupiter.

The recent searches section did populate for me. The up and down buttons were functional.

You may want to host the app on GitHub so you can hide the API key.

Happy coding

This is impressive. Excellent work!

You need a backend to hide it. The client will leak the key when it does the fetch, it is part of the query string.

@calvin6taw I get a reference error when I do a search.

Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: highTempEl is not defined

Sorry, I forgot to declare a variable. It works now though.

I haven’t learned backend yet. I have just finished Javascript curriculum just a week ago. Currently doing front end libraries curriculum. thx for the advice