My roadmap towards becoming a web developer

Great work, mate! :partying_face:



I started FCC before CS50 because I didn’t know CS50 already existed. Had I started with CS50 I might have given up at some point because it is not easy. The pace is fast and C (you’ll be learning about that soon) is hard.
I did complete it because I already knew some javascript and what I had learned helped me to tackle the course material in CS50.
Just mentioning this, I benefited from learning some javascript first. Javascript is as difficult as any other language (I think, it’s the only language I know in some depth) but it is not so hard at first and a lot of what you learn exists also in C.
CS50 is AWESOME by the way, I learned so much from that course and they’ve got a good forum as well. I didn’t use it very much but when I did, I got excellent answers.




You are killing it! Great work, I took my sweet time getting through these problem sets.


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Yeah I started CS50 about a month after learning some Javascript and I am also glad that I had a month of basic programming before starting the course. The psets were still tough though but I am glad I kept going. Definitely a great class though.


I also think my basic familiarity with both JavaScript and Python has been helping me in getting through CS50, as I was already familiar with some basic programming concepts (variables, loops, arrays, etc) so CS50 wasn’t a completely new world for me, even if C is a pretty different language.
I’d say, however, that even a full beginner (someone who’s never even written a line of code) should be able to get through CS50 with lots of dedication. It’s extremely challenging, for sure, but I think it’s clearly doable for any beginner. The reward is that you learn and improve a lot, maybe more than in any other introductory course. And the lectures are fun! :stuck_out_tongue:

(btw, I deleted the previous post because I thought it wasn’t in reply, silly mistake on my part! xD)

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Here I am again! Quite a few things have happened since the last time I posted here.

I finished CS50 a few months ago and then I discovered App Academy Open. Terrific resource, I got up to the Ruby section and I have nothing but good things to say about it. It got to me to install a Linux virtual machine on my Windows PC, and I learned quite a bit, especially about object-oriented programming.
The only issue is that it’s in Ruby, and I would have to spend a few more months on Ruby & Ruby on Rails before touching any JavaScript. I don’t think that would be the best use of my time, since I want to get a job as quickly as possible (and I’ve already procrastinated quite a bit in the last few months, I think I could’ve gotten much more stuff done).

So I decided to do things a bit differently and here’s my updated roadmap (from a variety of resources that seem pretty complementary):

  • Finish the Foundations part of The Odin Project and the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures FCC Certification by June 30th.
  • Finish CS50 Web by July 31st.
  • Finish Full Stack Open by September 30th.

The time frame might be a bit ambitious, but I’m gonna try my best.

I just went through FCC’s Responsive Web Design again (it’s part of The Odin Project’s Foundations course) in the last few days. Pretty easy, since I had already done it a while ago, but it was a nice refresher. I didn’t remember that CSS variables were a thing.

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