Is CS50 for me?

Hello, I may be getting ahead of myself, but I’m very curious. I wanna know if CS50 is the best call or if I should stick with all the courses on FreeCodeCamp. On here they allow you to get a full stack certification which is what I have my eyes on. However, I’m still on the web design course and will not be finishing it anytime soon, maybe a month or two longer. CS50 caught my attention since I heard many great things about it. I’ve never programmed in any language before besides HTML and CSS and don’t know much about how computers work, however CS50 teaches that. I also don’t know what other languages do besides JavaScript. I’m very curious on all of that which is why I wanna take the course, but at the end of the day I’m not experienced enough to know if this is the best move for me. Please let me know what I should do. Also what is the roadmap for Web Development? What is after JavaScript? I always see people recommending a certain order and something about vanilla JavaScript and all of that, very confused on the whole thing since everyone says different.

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Hi @bye !

CS50 teaches computer science basics using the C and Python programming languages.
I think it is a good course to get introduced to the basics of data structures and algorithmic thinking.

you could take a break and do the CS50 course and then come back to fcc

I would say that CS50 doesn’t dive that deep into C or Python but it teaches the basics and uses those two languages more as a teaching tool

But this course can be helpful to learn what other languages are used for

As a full stack javascript developer, you would learn how to build applications and understand how the client and server side works.

freeCodeCamp teaches full stack javascript which includes the following.

  • HTML and CSS
  • vanilla JS
  • react (JavaScript library)
  • Node and Express

I would also suggest doing the relational database couse

I would suggested following the order set out by fcc since that is how it was designed.
It is totally fine if a lot of this stuff doesn’t make sense right now, since you are still at he very early stages.

After a while of going through the curriculum, then you will start to better understand how everything fits together at a basic level

hope that helps

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Oh yeah, I just realized that I need VS Studio to program in SQL, C, and Python. I don’t have a laptop good enough to download VS Studio, but my laptop is enough for a browser based editor. Do you know of any browser based editors that program in SQL, C, and Python? I think it works on Codesandbox, however my school blocked that website so I cannot use that. I just use Stackblitz but it doesn’t support the languages I need for the course. Please let me know if there is a solution to my problem, thank you.

Update on this: CS50 has a built in VS Studio editor with GitHub that is browser based so I no longer have an issue with that anymore. My question now is how did they make that work? Is there a way I can do that myself? I wanna use VS Studio on the browser for personal use not a course, but I’m not sure how to set it up with GitHub and all of that stuff to make it work on the browser. The default VS Studio browser doesn’t have the normal tools like running and debugging yet something like CS50 does? I wanna know if there is a way I can do it myself.

You could reach out the CS50 online communities and see if any of their moderators or staff responds with how they set all of that up

Also, through a quick google search I found Visual Studio Code for the Web

Yes, but my issue is that it says this.
Screenshot 2023-09-02 1.28.44 PM
How do I make it work? What is Codespace?

It looks like github has a pretty extensive docs page on codespaces

you might also find some videos too, if you google around.

hope that helps

vs code also has a page on how to work with github codespaces

Erm, I’ll do it later down the line. I’m still a beginner so VS code won’t do me any good for now. Thanks though, maybe once I’m more advanced I’ll understand this github stuff.

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