Specific Order of Learning?

Hi Y’all,

So I have been interested in coding for quite some time now and decided now was my time to pursue it. I have been taking a python class on udemy along with buying a few books as well. I am not fully grasping some of this basics and thought maybe I should take an alternate route for my learning journey.

Would it be beneficial to me to start with HTML/CSS prior to learning python or JS? I have heard of some folks starting JS and then going into HTML/CSS. Prior to the past few weeks I have literally 0 coding experience. I keep jumping around between what to learn and haven’t completed any classes. I also have the web dev udemy class bought along with books. I have been consistent with FreeCodeCamp’s Responsive Web design as it is intriguing. So I guess I am lost at the moment and would love to get some sort of advice for a structured plan as I am learning blind at this point haha.

I am currently a Product Manager at a software company but I can’t tame my interest in coding/web dev, etc. I think I would be a lot happier.

Any advice is much appreciated.
Thanks y’all

HTML, CSS, and JS, are often used together in front end web development, though that’s changed a fair bit in recent years

It makes sense, in my opinion at least, to go through the sections on freecodecamp in the order they’re presented (at least up to a certain point)

It doesn’t matter per se what you learn first, whether you start by looking at python first or go for an opinionated front end web dev course like that here at FCC, there’s plenty of time to learn more, but you should probably stick to one thing at least for a bit of time

but that’s just my opinion

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FCC has an excellent structure if you want to go into a more visual type of programming, ie front end development.

If you are strong mathematically, I’d try java, C# and python (which it seems you are already doing) I would go to hackerrank and jump into their challenges. I’d also take the free course on coursera from princeton on algorithms which I’m doing in my spare time.

Howeverthe most valuable skill you can develop is working on teams and talking to others on slack and github via open source projects.

If you are beyond linked links, bsts, etc. and you’re interested in what the real world is, join a project on github or ask your own company if it was possible for a lateral move to become a junior or at least learn more about your teams development process via your inclusion into trello.

My own company did not accept my offer, which ended with my resignation, but you won’t necessarily have my same fate. Most companies need more developers and if you show interest and ability will be happy to oblige.

Though unemployment does hurt my self esteem a little, I’m very happy to be coding daily and don’t regret my decision. If that passion sounds similar to your own, keep coding.

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Very insightful! I am strong mathematically and enjoy python however, I think coming from no technical background or prior experience I am a bit over my head atm. So I have been following FCC’s front end dev courses. I am about to finish CSS!

Unfortunately our developers are offsite in Michigan and India so it be kind of hard to transition into that role. I am just going to keep practicing until I get it down!

Don’t worry about feeling in over your head. That’s normal. You should probably only start to worry if you feel like you totally get it.

This also applies to advice from people. (ex: talking about algorithms and data structures in response to a question about html/css/js). Some people are more interested in showing that they know more than you than they are in actually helping you. So when you get advice that just dumps a bunch of jargon and unexplored ideas on your head, don’t worry. Ironically it only shows that they don’t know what they are talking about after all.

Regarding your actual question: Between html/css and python/js you could really learn either one first. Html/css will give you more design/how stuff is displayed knowledge; js/python will give you more data manipulation knowledge.

Of course, one without the other will not be very fun for long :slight_smile: So just pick the one that appeals to you most first, and later you’ll probably organically feel the desire to learn the other.

After that, you have plenty more options of what to learn next but that might depend on your interests as well as the tech stack at your company (if that’s where you wish to remain). So, cross that bridge when you come to it.

Btw, props for learning to code as a PM. If you plan to continue in that capacity, it should help you a lot. It’s hard to find people who ‘get it’ on both the management and development sides.