Hi there. I would like to show you campers my tribute web page. Any feedback/advise welcome.
Tell me what you think - is there anything I can change? or add? or remove?
Let me know…My Tribute Page
Hi there. I would like to show you campers my tribute web page. Any feedback/advise welcome.
Tell me what you think - is there anything I can change? or add? or remove?
Let me know…My Tribute Page
Hello EmilNici,
Your page looks nice overall. Well done ! You can improve the “figcaption” to have a margin-top of 8px. It would make it look a bit better
Otherwise, continue and check your test to have all of them ok. ( at the moment, you got 2 ok, but I think it is because your page is still in progress … )
Happy coding to you
Like you said I add margin-top to figcaption and its look better right now.
My problem is I was checked this site on my computer iPad and I checking now on my iPhone and I got only 9/10 points.
The <img>
element should be centered within its parent element.
Any suggestions how where etc?
Ok now I got it. I Just change padding: 15px
to padding: 5px
in img
and now is everything ok. 10/10 on most of my devices.
Well done It looks very nice
Hi @EmilNici, your page looks really good. There are a couple of things that you may want to revisit;
<body> </body>
tags in HTML. (No need to include the body tags). For anything you want to add to <head>
click on the ‘Settings’ button and add it into the ‘Stuff for <head>’ box.
I noticed that in CSS you wanted to use the font ‘Bungee’ in a couple of places. If you notice, it’s reverting to the fallback of cursive. You’ll need to either link to, or import the Bungee font in order to use it.
Thx for advice. So I just recently change my font for title and sub title and put everything in the “stuff for head”…
After checkin validator of HTML there was few problems that I was able to fix.
As last part I changed a text to links.
Good job @EmilNici! I like the updated font.
Happy coding!